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What Every Attorney Should Tell You About Water Contamination

Water contamination is one of the most common causes of serious illnesses. It can cause a whole host of health problems and can be especially dangerous for young children. If you know someone exposed to water contamination, getting them the help they need as soon as possible is imperative. However, there are some things that every attorney should tell their clients about water contamination, even if they don’t have any reason to suspect such an incident has occurred.

Water Contamination Can Be Very Hard to Prove

Water contamination can be hard to prove. After all, people who have water contamination symptoms will not necessarily have been exposed at the concerned site. Take the case of water contamination at Camp Lejeune. While the victims developed severe ailments, including cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, there was a long latency between exposure and the onset of symptoms of Camp Lejeune Water Contamination.

In addition, it’s difficult to prove that specific chemicals caused one’s illness in another person’s drinking water (unless you drank the same contaminated water). To make sure your claim is heard and compensated, you should hire an attorney with experience in this area of law.

This way, they’ll be able to help build your case against the government with solid evidence and arguments based on previous cases like yours or similar ones involving similar injuries or illnesses suffered by veterans like yourself.

You May Not Have Been Exposed for Long Enough to Be Affected

If you’ve been exposed to water contamination, you may not have been told for long enough to be affected. The number of times people were exposed to chemicals in their water varied widely, but most were only exposed for less than a year.

For this reason, the effects you’re experiencing may not be permanent and could go away over time. Many symptoms like headaches and nausea fade away as your body heals itself naturally by ridding itself of the toxins it’s taken in over time.

If your symptoms are affecting more areas of your life than just feeling tired or having trouble concentrating at work (for example, if they’re preventing you from going outside because of how much sunlight bothers them), then your chemical exposure might be contributing or even causing these other health problems too.

Many People Who Have Water Contamination Symptoms Will Not Have Been Exposed to Camp Lejeune

Not everyone who has been exposed to contaminated water will get sick. Some people are more vulnerable than others, and you can take steps to protect yourself.

For example, if you have a family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer, you may be at greater risk for developing these diseases due to contaminated water. Suppose your family members have had liver or kidney disease for no apparent reason. In that case, it’s possible that their exposure to contaminated water could be the cause of their sicknesses.

Another group of people who may be susceptible to illnesses related to water contamination includes pregnant women and children under 18 years old. These groups of people should take extra precautions regarding their health and the health of their families and loved ones.

If You Have a Family Member Who Was Exposed, You Can Still Get Help

Even if you do not qualify for Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits, options may still be available. If your family member was exposed to contaminated water, the Department of Veterans Affairs could help you get medical care and other benefits.

If your loved one was not exposed to contaminated water, the VA might offer other assistance. 

For example, they might pay for education expenses or job training programs. They can also provide transportation services such as parking permits and bus passes so that former servicemen and women don’t have to worry about how they’ll get around town while they’re trying to get back on their feet after leaving military service.

There Are No Guarantees of Compensation

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will only accept a claim for compensation if the exposure occurred during active duty service and resulted in an illness caused by water contamination. It means that if you did not fall ill until many years after your time in service, you have no recourse from this agency.

 The VA also requires irrefutable medical evidence to support a diagnosis of a disease resulting from exposure to contaminants in the water supply. It does not allow claims based on mere suspicion or belief that exposure led to an illness later.

You May Need to Continue to Pay for Treatment After the Benefits Run Out

Even if you need to continue to pay for treatment after the benefits run out, you can still get support through your attorney. Your lawyer will be able to help you negotiate with your insurance company about paying for any additional treatment expenses.

You may have heard that there are caps on how much an insurance company will spend on treatment per person and over the case’s lifetime. It is true, but it doesn’t mean that they won’t cover something they don’t normally cover as long as it falls under their cap rules.


We hope this guide helped you understand water contamination’s complex issues. Remember, if you suspect that your water is contaminated or are looking for legal help, it’s always best to talk with a professional who can advise and assist you in making decisions about your case.

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