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What to Do if You Wake Up With a Headache Each Morning

Waking up with a headache is never fun. It’s annoying and debilitating in some cases. Plus, it’s the last thing you want to deal with if you have a busy day ahead. 

So, what steps can you take to wake up with a headache? 

Below are six tips to follow. 

1. Re-evaluate Your Sleeping Habits

An adult requires seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Failing to do so leads to sleep deprivation. When you’re sleep-deprived, fatigue and morning headaches are more likely Winona.. 

Avoiding electronics during bedtime can help you recharge sans cell phone. By avoiding electronics, you’ll sleep at a more reasonable hour. 

Having a sleep diary can also help you identify your sleep patterns. And some fitness watches keep track of your sleep patterns. Knowing your sleep patterns enables you to keep track of your sleep quality. 

If you need to change things, do so gradually. It’s essential to ease yourself into it so you don’t lose your body’s natural rhythm.

2. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise helps your body stay healthy, relaxed, and balanced. It also increases blood flow to the brain, reducing headaches.

Working out four or five times a week is all it takes to see results. You’ll feel better and look better, too.

It is, however, important to avoid intense workouts before bedtime. Getting your heart rate up is great, but don’t do it before you hit the hay. It takes a body a while to unwind after an intense workout. Also, if you have trouble sleeping, you may wake up with a headache. So, it’s best to exercise earlier in the day. 

3. Have a Healthy Diet

A poor health diet can lead to headaches. You should make sure that your diet contains a wide variety of nutrients. Eating the right foods will prevent you from getting sick and having headaches.

A good rule of thumb is to add one serving of protein, one serving of carbs, and two servings of veggies to your meals daily.

You should also ensure you get enough vitamin D and magnesium. You can find them in nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and halibut.

Avoid sugar so that you don’t get a headache. Sugar is not only bad for you, but it may cause stomach issues and a headache. 

It’s best not to drink too much caffeine, either. Caffeine is a stimulant that keeps you from getting a good night’s sleep.

If you drink tea before bed, it can help you sleep. But check to see that it doesn’t have any caffeine. May teas do, so remember if you drink tea before bedtime. 

4. Use a Night Guard

Teeth clenching during sleep is another major cause of morning headaches. This may be a common problem for you. If that’s the case, consider using a dental night guard. Regarding teeth clenching and headaches, JS Dental Lab explains further how to overcome this issue. 

Night guards come covered with plastic or rubber material. It’s designed to fit over your upper or lower teeth to prevent clenching. They can also prevent you from grinding your teeth and causing excessive wear.

You may want to get a custom-made night guard by a specialist. First, find one from a reputable company. Then, make sure it’s comfortable and effective before purchasing the night guard. 

5. Drink Water

If you wake up with a headache, chances are you are dehydrated. So, the first thing you should do is drink a glass of water.

Water helps flush out toxins from your system. Plus, it helps supply your brain with fresh oxygenated blood.

Keep in mind that water also helps keep you feeling full while suppressing your appetite. When your appetite gets suppressed, you will likely eat less. Also, since overeating can cause headaches, drinking water is another benefit. 

6. Relieve Your Stress

Stress is a known cause of morning headaches. The good news is that there are many effective stress relievers. Lessening stress eases your mind and reduces symptoms of tension and stress.

Massages, deep breathing, and a good night’s sleep will help you return to feeling like yourself again. These stress reducers relieve anxiety, reduce tension, and improve mental health.

Meditation and psychotherapy can also help you find peace and tranquility. Learning to relax your mind has many benefits. Of course, it enables you to focus your attention elsewhere and relieve headaches. 

It might take a little time and effort to figure out what works best for you. But the benefits will be more than worth it.


In conclusion, if you get morning headaches, look into these remedies as a relief. All of these tips are relatively simple ways to alleviate the problem. 

If you still struggle with headaches, it may be wise to visit a doctor to see what else may be causing the problem. With so many effective treatments available, finding relief from headaches is possible.