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Pfas: The Effects On Your Health And What You Can Do About Them

There is no denying that you need water to live, but did you know that extracting material from the ground can actually release PFAS into the drinking water? In this article, we see how dangerous contaminants like PFAS are found in drinking water due to fracking and horizontal drilling. In response to this issue, it is becoming of greater importance for citizens to be aware of what exactly these chemicals are and how their health can be affected.

The Effects of PFAS on Your Health

PFAS (polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a type of environmental pollutant that can cause serious health effects. Specifically, PFAS can be harmful to the liver, thyroid, and reproductive systems. While there is still much to learn about the long-term effects of PFASs, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk of exposure and protect your health.

Here are some tips for reducing your exposure to PFAS:

– Be sure to wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your skin unless it is necessary.

– Avoid eating contaminated foods.

– If you work in a facility that uses PFAS, try to limit your exposure by wearing a respirator and protective clothing if possible.

Drinking Water Contamination with PFAS

Everyone knows that drinking water can be contaminated with harmful chemicals like lead and cholera, but what you may not know is that PFAS chemicals can also contaminate your drinking water. PFAS chemicals have been linked to serious health problems, including cancer, reproductive problems, and developmental problems in children. In order to protect yourself and your family, it’s important to know about the effects of PFAS in drinking water and what you can do to mitigate them. 

PFAS chemicals can bioaccumulate in the body and cause serious health problems if you’re exposed to them regularly over a period of time. The dangers of any type of chemical exposure are serious, but particularly for children who are still developing their brains and organs, PFAS chemicals can be extremely harmful. It’s important to work to decrease your overall exposure to these chemicals wherever possible by sticking to clean cooking techniques and avoiding harmful products when possible. If you’re concerned about PFAS exposure in your community or workplace, speak to your physician or environmental scientist about how to reduce your risk.

What are the Health Effects from High PFAS Levels in Drinking Water?

PFASs are chemicals used in a variety of manufacturing processes, including making Teflon and other coatings. They have been linked to health concerns such as cancer, infertility, and weight gain. Recently, reports surfaced that high levels of PFAS may be present in the drinking water of some communities across the United States. While there is still much to learn about the health effects of PFASs, what is known so far is worrisome. Here are three things you need to know about PFASs and their impact on your health:

1. PFASs can cause cancer. Studies have shown that exposure to high levels of PFAS can lead to increased rates of certain cancers, including cancers of the liver, thyroid gland, and pancreas.

2. PFASs can disrupt the body’s hormones. Exposure to high levels of PFAS can interfere with our body’s hormones, leading to a variety of health problems. This includes issues like reproductive problems, obesity, and hormonal imbalance in children.

3.PFASs can create environmental toxins. When PFASs are burned or discharged into the environment, they create toxic chemicals called “PFAS compounds.”  These chemicals are harmful to our environment and can cause harm to marine life.

How to Properly Prepare Your Drinking Water

What is on your tap? Chances are that it’s not filtered enough, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. And that’s a problem because many harmful chemicals—like arsenic and lead—can slip through water filtration systems. In fact, a recent study found that exposure to these chemicals is linked with diseases like cancer.

One reason to drink unfiltered water is that it helps rid your body of harmful chemicals. These chemicals can come from your tap water or anything else you put into your mouth (like fertilizer). While some may think that these chemicals aren’t a big deal, research suggests that they could be dangerous. For example: one study found that exposure to arsenic can lead to cancer.

To make sure you’re getting the most out of your water bottle, follow these tips:

– Fill up your water bottle at least two-thirds of the way before drinking, so there’s less room for pollutants to enter the water. 

– always use a filter when drinking tap or bottled water. 

– try mineral or spring water if you can’t find filtered water in your area.

Tips to Limit Your Exposure

Since Pfas have been shown to have negative health consequences, it is important to be as proactive as possible in limiting your exposure. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: 

1. Use natural cleaner products: When using cleaners or any other household products, be sure to select ones that are natural. These products will not contain any harmful chemicals. 

2. Avoid microwaves: Microwaves can release harmful radiation into the air. Instead of using them, cook food in a conventional oven or on the stovetop.

3. Avoid smoking: Smoking is another major way to increase your exposure to Pfas. Try to stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke whenever possible.

4. Choose organics when possible: When shopping for food, try to select organic produce as much as possible. This will help reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals.