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6 Ways Nurses Can Attain Career Success In 2022

Nursing is undeniably a challenging and taxing career path. Yet, we see thousands of individuals willing to take on the challenge because of how fruitful and fulfilling a nurse’s job is. Yes, nurses must work non-stop for long shifts and during unusual hours, but the satisfaction and content they receive are unmatchable. 

Besides helping others achieve wellness, nurses enjoy excellent security, salary, and benefits. From travel possibilities, international employability, and personal development to hundreds of specialization options, nursing remains one of the most famous career paths. 

However, the competition in the nursing field is fierce. With thousands of new applicants every year, it is increasingly tough to gain an edge over others. If you’re struggling with achieving career success, look at these helpful tips below. 

Continue studying 

The best part about joining the nursing profession is the unlimited availability of learning options. By continuing education, nurses can keep their nursing license, enhance job security, and boost their pay. It is worthwhile to note that technological advancements make this world increasingly complex. And to stay relevant, it’s highly crucial to remain well-informed with all the recent developments. 

Healthcare is explicitly developing and progressing at the speed of light. Continuing education gives nurses a chance to update their knowledge, become more aware of recent happenings, and become more accustomed to recent innovations. It helps them beat the competition by putting them at an edge over others and increasing their relevancy.

If you’re willing to pursue education in nursing, try looking for CCNE accredited nursing schools because they carry high recognition and offer a diverse course range.  If you’re inspired to get a doctor of nursing degree, UT Arlington is an accredited school and offers online DNP programs.

Set career goals

You can only attain success if you have a vision. And for a vision, having clear career goals is necessary. Several studies confirm that people who set goals are generally more successful in their careers than others. 

Goal setting shouldn’t be a complicated process. Think about what and how much you want to achieve and how much effort you are willing to put in, and from the conclusion, set clear goals for the future years. Goal setting shows you the right direction, enhances your focus, increases productivity, and provides motivation. Setting transferrable goals helps you attain contentedness, boosts your confidence, and improves your mindset. However, remember to be ambitious, not unrealistic.

Improve communication 

Communication is a highly vital skill required in nurses. Nurses are often known as the pioneer of good communication in the healthcare industry. They are responsible for communicating with patients, their families, doctors, administration staff, and others. In other words, good communication is an integral part of a nurse’s career. 

Hence, if you want to achieve success and progress in your career, you must enhance your communication skills. Excellent and effective communication enhances patient outcomes, increases nurses’ self-confidence, decreases complaints, and reduces stress. Effective communication also fosters good relations with co-workers, improves teamwork, and boosts job satisfaction. 

To improve communication skills, nurses can consider practicing active listening. Remember, a good listener is a good communicator. Further, nurses can participate in volunteering programs, work on written communications, exercise patience, and maintain a positive attitude. 

Develop critical thinking/reasoning skills

Critical thinking and reasoning have become increasingly pivotal for nurses. As mentioned previously, the wide availability of technology increases the complexity that requires unique solutions and decisions. Today, nurses are not only responsible for looking after patients, but they are also responsible for assessing and evaluating emergencies, thinking outside the box, and adapting to changing environments. 

Nurses willing to provide good care to their patients will think critically and develop practical solutions. Critical thinking can help nurses substantially. It helps them make quick decisions, make them more effective at their jobs, and deliver better quality patient care. Critical thinking is crucial in nursing because it helps recognize shifts in patients’ status, ensures patient safety, leads to innovative improvements, and enhances decision-making. Finally, critical thinking assists in gathering relevant information about patients, determining what data points play an essential role in treatments, and improves communication. 

Be a team player

Being a team player is a crucial nursing skill and an essential life skill. So, treat everyone with the same respect and dignity that you would like to receive. Think about how you would like your co-workers to approach, interact, and communicate with you. Try to put yourself in your patients’ shoes and identify areas where you can improve. 

Once you start viewing yourself as part of a committed team, you will experience a drastic improvement in your attitude and outcome. Ask for help and advice from your co-workers and work together to witness a successful result. Also, don’t hesitate or avoid different perspectives. Instead, treat difference of opinion as a learning opportunity and look for some shared, common ground between you and your co-workers. It is best to communicate each idea to land a practical decision. Lastly, remember that mistakes are inevitable and what’s crucial is that you acknowledge, recognize, and learn from them.

Keep yourself healthy 

Nursing is a strenuous profession, and there is no denying the fact. However, due to hectic schedules and routines, many nurses don’t take care of themselves adequately. They don’t eat well or sleep sufficiently. These habits can cause several health issues and significantly hinder nurses’ performance. 

Keeping your body healthy might seem like a straightforward tip, but it isn’t as easy for nurses as it seems. Given their mounting responsibilities, they don’t get the time or energy to consume a complete meal. However, an unhealthy lifestyle can pose a significant obstacle to a nurse’s career success. Therefore, all nurses must consume healthy, nutritious food without skipping mealtime. 

Moreover, they must also ensure getting enough sleep and daily movement. It helps in refreshing and resetting the mind and the body.

Final thoughts 

Becoming a nurse is no less than a rewarding journey. However, it is also a tiresome one. It requires constant hard work, determination, and undivided attention. Hence, being a nurse is a challenge, but there’s no going back once you are up for it. 

Attaining career success in nursing can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. You can easily achieve a successful nursing career alongside a satisfying lifestyle with some commitment and urge.