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How Edge Support Affects Sinkage on an Innerspring Mattress

When shopping for a new mattress, you may have come across the term “edge support.” But what is edge support, and how does it affect sinkage? 

In this blog post, we’ll be discussing edge support and how it affects sinkage on an innerspring mattress. We hope that by the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of edge support and how it can impact your sleeping experience.

What is edge support and why is it important for an innerspring mattress?

Edge support is a foundational element in determining the overall sleeping experience provided by an innerspring mattress. This feature refers to the strength and firmness of the mattress’s side panels, and it affects how quickly an individual sinks into the core of the mattress. 

It also largely determines how supported a person feels when sitting or lying near the edge of the bed. Mattresses with higher levels of edge support not only offer support by maintaining individuals’ bodies closer to their natural sleeping positions but also offer greater durability over time due to improved structure containment. 

As such, owners of innerspring mattresses may find that investing in models with superior edge support yields a good value for their longevity and superior comfort.

How does edge support affect sinkage on an innerspring mattress?

Edge support is an important factor to be aware of when considering the purchase of an innerspring mattress. Edge support affects the level of sinkage felt when lying down and sitting on the edge, which can in turn determine the overall comfort of a mattress. 

Edge support helps to increase stability and limit motion transfer, while also boosting durability as it prevents premature sagging or collapse. Thus, investing in a mattress with good edge support is key to ensuring that you enjoy a better sleep experience and make the most of your purchase.

What are some of the benefits of having good edge support on an innerspring mattress?

Having good edge support on an innerspring mattress can provide several advantages, the most noteworthy being improved sleeping surface stability and a reduction in sinkage. Edge support allows for more of the mattress to be used along its entire periphery, which can increase comfort on all sides. 

Additionally, it can lengthen a mattress’s overall lifespan as it reduces general compaction over time. 

Having strong edge support also helps keep mattress padding in place and evenly distributed across the bed, leading to less tossing and turning as you transition throughout the night. 

Ultimately, good edge support is essential for anyone looking to get optimal performance out of their innerspring mattress.

Are there any drawbacks to having good edge support on an innerspring mattress?

Having good edge support on an innerspring mattress can add to the overall comfort of the bed, providing extra balance and stability while preventing sinkage along the edges. 

However, with this extra firmness also comes additional cost and potential compromise of a plush sleeping experience. Innerspring mattresses which feature high levels of edge support may not offer as much surface contouring or body conforming capabilities as those without, limiting their ability to take away pressure and reduce movement during sleep. 

Furthermore, overly firm edges can limit an individual’s sleeping space, resulting in a lower level of comfort for those who move around or sleep near the edges of their mattress. There are benefits to having good edge support, but potential drawbacks do exist and should be taken into account before investing in an innerspring mattress with high levels of edge support.

How can you improve the edge support on your innerspring mattress if it’s not already good enough?

Having an innerspring mattress that has poor edge support can be incredibly frustrating. But did you know there are some things you can do to improve it? 

Start by talking to experts at a mattress sale in Salt Lake City, who will help you assess the unique needs of your mattress and figure out the best approach for improvement. 

They may recommend a mattress topper or even adjusting your mattress’s inner layers to give it better support. If a mattress topper isn’t enough, consider purchasing a mattress specifically designed with enhanced edge support. Every mattress is different, but with the right guidance and advice, you can upgrade your mattress and improve its edge support.

Edge support is an important consideration when purchasing an innerspring mattress because it affects sinkage and overall comfort. Good edge support can provide numerous benefits, including increased sleeping surface area, improved circulation, and reduced motion transfer. 

However, there are some potential drawbacks to consider as well, such as a higher price tag and less flexibility in terms of placement on the bed. If you’re not satisfied with the edge support on your innerspring mattress, there are several things you can do to improve it.