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5 Techniques to Rank on Google with White Hat Link Building

Search engines are a valuable tool for online users. They are one of the first places people go to for information. It explains why there is such a race to get to the first results pages.

Indeed, research shows that less than 10% of people will go to the second page on Google. Organic results attract at least 30% of clicks. Getting to the top three results can get you anywhere from 50 to 60% of clicks.

The reality for most marketers is that getting to that coveted first page is quite difficult. Even a mastery of the best SEO practices may not always work. Yet there are tactics like white hat link building that are quite effective.

We will explore some of these techniques in greater detail below. In the end, you should have a pretty good idea of how to use white hat link building to achieve good rankings on Google. 

Understanding White Hat Link Building

Let’s start by understanding white hat link building. It is a way to drive traffic to websites through best search engine optimization (SEO) practices. The aim is to use organic techniques to generate visibility and improve ranking. Correct implementation of the tactics will enhance user experience. You can do it with quality content, relevant links and much more.

This is unlike black hat link building, which does not add value to users. In some instances, some of the techniques may be unethical. They can even disregard webmaster rules to achieve their goals.

The advantages of sticking to white hat strategies when building links are many. The most significant is that you get to avoid Google penalties. According to Google, any link that tries to manipulate Page Rank violates webmaster guidelines. They go on to describe it as a link scheme.

Buying links, for example, is a strategy that the search engine giant frowns upon. Excessive link exchanges, automated link creation programs and large-scale guest hosting are others. Black hat tactics result in low-quality links that the search engines pick up on.

With that understanding of white hat link building, let’s uncover some techniques to help you rank on Google. 

  1. Start With an Understanding of the Webmaster Guidelines

We talked about the webmaster guidelines above. So exactly what are they? Well, Google has a whole list of guidelines you must adhere to when link building. The search engine goes into details about ranks, indexes, and illicit link building.

You must familiarize yourself with what they are. If not, you may break some of the rules and incur the wrath of the search engine. 

  1. Improve the User Experience on the Site Pages

How users react to your web pages has a significant role in rankings. It looks at factors like:-

  • Page loading speeds
  • Page performance
  • Interactivity
  • Usability/Ease of navigation
  • The site and visual stability
  • Content relevance
  • Mobile optimization

User experience will determine how long people stay on your site. Slow speeds, for instance, result in high bounce rates. It will signal to Google that there is a problem.

Pay close attention to the core web vitals. These are critical metrics the search engine uses to test the quality of the website. 

  1. Use Content as a White Hat Link Building Technique

The best way to get natural links is with content. You can increase your search rankings and attract links back to your website.

The truth is content generation can be pretty tricky. But the best way to go about it is to focus on the readers. If you make too much about the brand or products, it will be hard to engage the audiences.

Focus on relevance by responding to an identified need. If you position yourself as a solution provider, the level of engagement will be high.

The beauty of content is that you have so many ways to share it. These include blogs, infographics, video content and images. You also have the option of original research that you can present as slideshares.

To make it easy, come up with a content marketing plan. It will be a guideline for everything you do and make it easier for you to be consistent. 

  1. Keyword Optimization

Focus on strategic keyword use. The first step you should take is to carry out an analysis of competitive keywords. Stay away from those that have too much competition. Google Keyword Planner and Google Suggest can help identify long and short-tail keywords.

Strategic use of keywords extends beyond the content only. You should apply them in the Meta descriptions, page titles, and image alt text. Correct use of keywords can improve your rankings. 

But, you must be careful about falling into the other extreme, thus using black hat SEO tactics. Keyword stuffing, for example, will make your content hard to read. Further, the search engines will pick up on such practices. 

  1. Guest Posting

Guest posting is another potent link-building tool. You submit articles to another website for them to publish. They will then put a link that redirects readers back to your site.

The first thing you need to do is identify sites that you can approach to guest post on. The best are high authority sites that will give you great returns.

When looking at potential guest posting sites, check for quality with their content type. Also, note how often they update them. You can also use tools like SEMrush to check how well the site ranks on Google.

The following, more difficult step, is to engage with the site owners. It could be through direct contact. The other way is a more subtle approach like following them on social media. Once you get their attention, pitch your guest posting idea.

Remember, the content must be relevant to their audiences. That means researching what kind of people log onto their websites. 

Final Thoughts

We have touched on some effective white hat link-building strategies. But we cannot end this article without a dose of realism. Though effective in achieving good rankings, white hat link building can be tough. Dedicate enough time to understanding the different techniques and how to use them.

Another alternative is to outsource link-building to professional service providers. A link-building agency has the expertise to get your brand on the first result pages. Consider the cost an investment towards improving your visibility on the search engines.

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