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5 Best Garage Designs to Choose From

If you have not heard of it yet, your garage is one of the most versatile areas in your home. So, if you are like most homeowners, who see nothing but a cluttered garage mess if you’re not careful, read to learn more. This is not only a place to store your car.

Choose from These Five Designs and Ideas to Improve Your Garages

Learn from local homeowners of Garage Floor Lake Mary, FL. With practicality, you turn the garage areas into a workspace for projects and maybe even set up a home gym.

That’s why choosing the right garage design for your needs is essential. There are many different styles of garages to choose from, so it’s necessary to find one that fits your lifestyle.

Here are five of the best garage designs to choose from:

The Single Car Garage

The most basic type is a single-car design. It typically consists of a single door that allows one car to enter. If you don’t have a lot of extra space in your yard, this is the perfect design for you. 

you can easily choose regular garage materials such as steel doors and enclosed concrete walls with matching concrete flooring. 

Although it looks small and ordinary, you can still opt to organize the space and maximize the small corners as your typical storage. You can make it look a little bigger by resurfacing it with clear white epoxy garage flooring.

That way, the grey space would look more spacious, clear, and brighter.

The Multi-Car Garage

This garage design is perfect for families with multiple cars. It typically consists of two or more doors that open up to allow multiple vehicles to enter. This is a great option for owners with a large family or if you frequently have guests who need to park their cars.

The Carport

A carport is a type of garage with no walls or a roof. This design is perfect if you live in an area with mild weather conditions. It’s also a great option to save money on construction costs.

The Detached Garage

The detached garage design is not attached to your house and is a standalone structure in which you can park your car. You can have this as your option if you have a large piece of property and you want to keep your car away from your house.

The Barn Style Garage

This garage design is perfect if you have a farmhouse or a country-style home. It typically has a barn door that allows your car to enter. This is a great option if you want your garage to match the style of your home.

Now that you have these five excellent plans for your garage redesign learn the best way to prepare the areas starting with garage floor repairs. 

Garage Revamp and Repair

Some of the things you need to consider when repairing your concrete garage floor are the cracks, holes, and other damages. You can use an epoxy concrete filler to repair these damages. 

First, clean the area and then apply the filler. 

Let it dry completely before using your garage again.

You can also resurface your concrete garage floor to look new. This is a great way to make your garage look new without spending much money. You can use a concrete resurfacing kit or hire a professional to do it for you.

These are just some things you need to consider when redesigning your garage. Choose the best design that fits your needs and start working on it today!

Maintaining Your Garages in Top Condition

You also need to know how to maintain your garage correctly to prevent any future damage. Here are some tips on how you can do that:

1. Inspect your garage regularly for any damages. This way, you can repair them immediately before they get worse.

2. Clean your garage regularly to prevent dirt and grime from accumulating.

3. Organize your garage so you can easily find what you need when you need it.

4. Store heavy and sharp objects properly to prevent them from causing accidents.

5. Keep your garage well-ventilated to prevent mold and mildew from growing.

6. Do not hesitate to call a professional near you. You can get in touch with local garage floors Tampa if you are near the area and if you need help with your garage.

Let these tips help you as a takeaway from this post. Your garage will stay in top condition for many years to come if you make necessary repairs and organization. So what are you waiting for? Start redesigning your garage today!
