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Root Canal Treatment – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, And Prevention

Root canal therapy is a procedure that cleans the affected nerve cells in your teeth and roots. The purpose of Root Canal Glenview is to provide an alternative route for the nerve to travel from your tooth to your brain. The result is more comfort and an improved appearance for you.

It does not harm the surrounding tissues in any way. The dentist or oral surgeon performs root canal therapy by removing diseased nerve cells and cleaning the canal thoroughly with a salt mixture. The mixture also prevents dentine caries caused by bacterial infection between nerves and teeth, tooth decay, and periodontal disease. Here you need to know about its symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention:

What Are The Symptoms

Four signs of a root canal infection include:

Pain: The most common symptom of a root canal is pain, which can be severe and throbbing. The pain may occur after treatment and last for weeks or even months.

Swelling: The second most common symptom is swelling in the tooth, got treated with root canal therapy. Sometimes, the swelling can be so severe that it affects the gums, making them bleed as they heal.

Redness around the treated area: A red, swollen area around the treated tooth is another sign of a root canal infection, especially if it gets accompanied by swelling and pain.

A foul smell: Some people notice an unpleasant smell coming from their mouths after their teeth have got treated with root canal therapy; this smell may get worse over time, even after the root canal treatment has ended.

What Are The Causes?

There are three causes of root canal infections:

1. The most common cause is the presence of bacteria in the root canal system. If this happens, it can lead to an infection within the root canal system and eventually into the tooth itself.

2. An abscessed tooth is another cause of a root canal infection. It occurs when a buildup of plaque or tartar on the root surface becomes infected. Many times it can get prevented by cleaning your teeth with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste once a day and flossing at least once every two days (or better yet, twice a day).

3. Periapical lesions occur when there is too much plaque on your teeth’s inner surface (the area around your roots). It can lead to periapical, referred to as pit and fissure lesions, because they look like pits or fissures on your teeth’s surface (peri means “around” while apical means “at the apex”). 

How Does The Treatment Work?

  • The procedure of Root Canal Treatment Glenview involves removing all of the infected tissue near the tooth crown and removing any remaining debris in your mouth. 
  • After that, you will get asked by Endodontics Glenview to swallow some antibiotics and be given a local anaesthetic on your gum line so that you can numb your mouth before removing the old filling or cap on your tooth. 
  • Then Root Canal Specialist Glenview will place a plastic tube over where they removed all your tooth pulp and fill it with calcium hydroxylapatite of minerals such as calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite in bones and teeth.


To prevent these infections, dentists of best clinics like Endodontist Glenview follow four basic steps:

1. They cleanse the root canal with peroxide and sodium hypochlorite (bleach).

2. They remove any plaque from the root canal using a dental irrigator or instrument called a curette, which looks like a small garden trowel with a pointed end at one end and side blades. Plaque gets digested by acid in plaque acids released when foods ferment in your stomach or intestines. The acid eats away at soft tissue and cementum, enamel and dentin.

3. To remove decayed tissue or debris that has built up within the root canal, dentists use instruments such as forceps or tweezers to remove it


For Root canal treatment, Dentist Glenview should treat patients carefully and with good hygiene. Patients should get instructed on good oral hygiene practices and how to prevent and treat infections.